Qu'est-ce que call of duty infinite warfare dislikes ?

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2016. While the game has received positive reviews and gained a large player base, there are several common criticisms and dislikes associated with it.

  1. Setting: One major aspect that many players dislike about Infinite Warfare is its futuristic setting. The game takes place in space with advanced technology and combat scenarios, which some players find unappealing compared to the more grounded and realistic settings of previous Call of Duty games.

  2. Lack of innovation: Many gamers argue that Infinite Warfare didn't bring enough new innovations to the Call of Duty franchise. They believe that it relied on familiar gameplay mechanics and didn't introduce enough fresh ideas to make it stand out from previous games in the series.

  3. Microtransactions: Like many modern video games, Infinite Warfare included microtransactions, allowing players to purchase in-game content such as weapons, cosmetics, and supply drops. Some players dislike the prevalence of microtransactions, arguing that it promotes a pay-to-win system and detracts from the overall gameplay experience.

  4. Multiplayer balancing issues: Balancing issues are often evident in multiplayer games, and Infinite Warfare was no exception. Some players complained about the imbalance of certain weapons, perks, and scorestreaks, leading to frustration and a feeling of unfairness during gameplay sessions.

  5. Campaign reception: While the Call of Duty series has traditionally been known for its strong single-player campaigns, Infinite Warfare's campaign received mixed reviews. Some players found it lacking in engaging storytelling, character development, and memorable moments, leading to disappointment and disinterest.

  6. Zombies mode: Although the Zombies mode has been a popular addition to the Call of Duty franchise, Infinite Warfare's iteration of it didn't resonate as well with players. Some fans felt that the mode lacked the same level of depth, storytelling, and fun as previous versions, leading to a lack of interest or enjoyment.

Despite these dislikes and criticisms, it's important to note that many players still found enjoyment in Infinite Warfare and appreciated its smooth gameplay, graphics, and the continuation of the traditional Call of Duty multiplayer experience. Preferences and opinions may vary, so it's essential to try the game and form one's own judgment.